How to become Indian Revenue Officer?

If you are a student and want to work in a government post and want to know how to become an IRS officer? So our today's article is going to be very important for you.

Anyway, if you are reading this article, then it means that you want to become an IRS officer or want to get information about it.

So now you do not have to worry about it at all because here in this article you will get all the information related to this post, how you can pass an exam related to it and how you can become an officer.

How can you prepare for its exam, apart from this, what is the syllabus of the exam, what is the age limit fixed for this post and its educational qualification.

Also, after getting selected on the post, you will get the information about the monthly salary, how much is his one month salary. If you want this information, then please read this article till the end.

How to become an IRS officer?

The full form of IRS is Indian Revenue Service, it is a government department under which all the work of the Revenue Department is done, its other name is Revenue Department.

This department does all its work under the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, the main work of this department is to provide direct and indirect taxes to the central government.

If you want to know what type of post IRS is, then just know that it is a post like IAS and PCS which are selected under Civil Services.

Whose exam has to work hard to pass, because to get the post in it, you have to go through the main three phases of different examinations.

About which we have explained in detail below, so for your more information, keep following us while reading this article.

Eligibility to become an IRS Officer

As you know that for any government job, some measurement penalties are fixed by the government, only after completion of which you can apply for that post.

For this post also, the government has fixed some rules. If you also want to apply form for the post of IRS officer then you should know these rules and criteria.

educational qualification

To apply form for this post, you should have minimum qualification graduation and for this you can take your graduation degree from any recognized university.

Even if you are in the final year of your graduation, you can still apply for this post.

citizenship qualification

It is mandatory for you to be a citizen of India for this post, if you are not a citizen of India and are applying form for the post of IRS in India, then the criteria set for it are given below.

• If you are a Tibetan refugee who has come to India permanently before January 1, 1962, then you can apply for this post.

• If you are a refugee of Indian origin from Pakistan / Verma / Sri Lanka / Tanzania / Zambia / Uganda / Malvi / and Vietnam to settle in India can also apply for this post.

Age Range

Applicant's age should not be less than 21 years and not more than 30 years to apply for the post of officer.

But in this limit, age relaxation is given for the candidates of some caste categories, such as if an applicant comes from the caste category of backward class, then he is given 3 years relaxation.

Meaning that applicant can apply form for this post till the age of 33 years.

Apart from this, if an applicant comes from the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category, then he is given a relaxation of 5 years in this age limit, so that he can apply for this post till the age of 35 years.

How to prepare for IRS exam?

As you all know that today to prepare for any exam or to do any other work, you should prepare for it with great hard work and dedication and apart from this you need a good guidance.

If you have all these things in you then you can make your future in any field.

Whether it is a business plan or preparation for an exam, you will definitely be successful in it. This IRS is such an exam in which you have to work very hard.

Keeping this in mind, today's article is for those students who are preparing for IRS.

And want to serve his country by becoming an IRS officer.

In this article, you have been given all the information related to the exam so that you can prepare well for your exam.

Let us tell you that the IRS exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), you have to pass three steps to pass in this exam.

In the first step, you have to clear the IAS pre exam.

This exam is conducted to check your eligibility. In the second step of the IRS exam, you have to give another exam, its name is "Main Exam".

If you clear this exam, then you pass in the IAS exam.

In this exam, you have to give some papers, in which the subjects are optional in 2 papers, you can choose this subject from your mind and the third and last step of the IAS exam is the interview.

In this interview, you will be asked many types of questions related to your subjects and general knowledge.

There is also your personality test in this, if you pass this interview then you qualify for the post of IRS.

After this your training is done and after that you are given the post of IRS.

IRS exam pattern

If you also want to fulfill your dream by passing in any examination, then you should know all the important information about that exam and upcoming paper.

Like how your paper comes and how many exams you will have and what is the pattern of your exam paper.

All such information is very important for your exam. Here in this article you will get all the necessary information.

IRS exam is conducted in three stages.

First stage

In the first stage you have to give pre exam in which you have two papers.

Objective type questions come in both these papers and the total number of both the papers is 200-200 marks and you are given 2-2 hours time.

The main purpose of this exam is to select the students appearing in this exam for the next exam.

Meaning it decides whether you are qualified for the next stage exam or not.

In this exam, all the numbers of the candidates who come, the cut-off merit of those marks is applied, from this merit the candidates of the next examination are selected.

But those obtained in this examination do not add to the merit of the final exam result.

1st stage exam syllabus

There are two papers in the examination to be held in the first phase, whose first paper is of general knowledge, whose total is 200 marks and in this you get questions of general knowledge and the second paper is of your reasoning, whose total is also 200 marks. Is.

In this you are asked questions like reasoning and logical reasoning.

To be successful in this exam, you need to work very hard, which reduces your time to solve the reasoning questions because reasoning questions take more time.

The first stage exam is held in the month of May or June. So if you prepare well for this exam then you will definitely be successful in this exam.

second stage

When a candidate passes in the first stage examination, then he is included in the examination of the second stage examination.

In this phase examination, 5 examinations are conducted. In this phase examination, you have to write an essay, the total number of this essay is 300.

You have to write this essay on any topic of your choice.

Information about your favorite topic is taken from this paper and your ability is checked that how much you know about your favorite topic and how you can write it.

Its second paper is done to check English Ability. In which you get many questions of English language, its integer is also 300 marks.

The third part of the IRS exam is of a general essay, in which you have to write a general essay and its total is 200 marks.

After this, there are two papers of general study, in which each paper is of 300 marks and in the last you have 4 papers and you have 300 marks each.


When you pass in all the stage test then you are called for interview.

In this interview, the personal and mental ability of the applicant is tested. If the candidate passes in this interview.

Then a merit is made of all the marks obtained in the final exam and interview, and according to the marks of this merit, the IRS officer is selected.

How much is an IRS salary?

The salary of the person who is selected for this post by the Government of India is given Rs 90,000 per month. Apart from this, their salary also depends on their pay grade, due to which their salary keeps on increasing.

Conclusion :-

Well, be it any exam, all are very difficult because today the competition is increasing in every field all over the world, due to which it is becoming very difficult for people to get jobs today.

Therefore, when students prepare for any exam, it becomes very important to have sufficient knowledge of that exam.

Now as there are many such students who want to become an IRS officer but they do not have information about its syllabus, selection process, exam pattern.

So today in this post we have shared complete information about how to become an IRS officer.

So that if you are preparing for this government job in Agra, then you can easily do your preparation.

I hope that the above information has proved useful to you, how did you like our today's post, do tell us by commenting.

Also, if you want specific information related to this article or any other government job, then you can ask us by commenting, we will help you by joining with you soon.

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