How to become a clerk in railway and how much salary do you get?

In today's post, how did we become a railway clerk associated with the railway department? What is a Railway Clerk? For this, we will know in detail about educational qualification, age limit etc., which is going to be very important for the youth preparing for this post. So for more information read the article completely –

As you know that in our country India, most of the jobs are in the railway sector. And the railway is the largest industrial organization of our country, under which the most jobs in the country are given in the railways.

Many posts are recruited every year in the Railways, due to which many young people of the country get employment every year. Let us tell you that nowadays a lot of unemployment is increasing in the country and many youths are unemployed in the country who are not getting jobs.

And when the forms come for a job, lakhs of forms are applied for that job, due to which the competition to take that job increases even more. In which the candidate has to work hard to be successful, then only he can get that job. For this reason the competition in government jobs is increasing.

Every year, many posts are recruited in the railways, in which recruitment is done on very high posts like linemen to clerks, technical engineers. Each job requires a different job. But there is also a post in the railways in which you get a good salary and you do not have to work much, this is the post of railway clerk in which you have to sit in an office and do the work done in the office.

How to become a Railway Clerk?

Railway has become the most employable department for the youth in India today because its area is very large, place to place, its station in which many people have different work, so from time to time, jobs are taken out in various posts of railway department. In which clerk is a very important post in the railway department, whose preparation today young cadets already start preparations for it.

So if you also want to do a job in this post, then you have to work hard for this, only then you can clear this competitive exam. What the work has to be done, what educational qualification, age limit, salary etc. should be known for this, so that you can easily apply in it and prepare for the exam exam. So if you also want to know about all these, then keep reading this article till the end, here you are going to get all the information related to this post in Hindi –

What is a Railway Clerk?

A railway clerk is one who sits in the office and does the work in the office, such as keeping the information of any railway work in the form of a record and providing that information at the time of need, the salary of the people working in the railways. Making and submitting bills, keeping account related information and making records of salary of people working in railways, etc. are all done by a railway clerk.

The work of a railway clerk is very important for the railway department, a railway clerk submits all the information coming under him on the computer in the form of a record, and the salary of all the people working in the railway is through the railway clerk only. It comes when he updates the entire month's information on the system, only after that the salary of all those people comes.

Educational Qualification to become Clerk in Railway?

If you also want to do the job of clerk in railway and want to know about its educational qualification so that you can apply your form for the post of railway clerk, then you must have a graduation degree. But for some posts of Railway Clerk, the maximum educational qualification is taken 12th pass only.

This thing can be cleared at that time when the form comes for the post of clerk in railway, then educational qualification for that post is given in it. But it will be good for you that you do graduation. Because often the posts of both graduation and 12th pass level keep coming out for this post.


It is mandatory to be a citizen of India to apply for this post in this department.

What is the age limit to become a clerk in railway?

As you know that in every government job there is an age limit to apply the form. If you want to know about the limit fixed for the post of Clerk in Railways, then you should know that the age of the application should not be less than 18 years while applying the form and maximum should not be more than 30 years. But if you come from Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class, then you are given exemption because of the reservation you get.

• If you are an applicant of OBC caste category, then you will get maximum relaxation of 3 years for this form.

• And if you come under any caste category from Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, then you are given a relaxation of 5 years in Railway Clerk.

Railway Clerk Exam Syllabus

Passing the exam is not such an easy task for anyone, one has to work hard to understand every little thing in it and railway is such a department where if there is recruitment for 10 posts, then 100000 forms are put. So it becomes difficult to clear this exam and get a job in railways. But if we get information about the syllabus of the railway exam and how to prepare for it, then things become easy to a great extent.

So if you are preparing to give railway exam then you must know the syllabus of the paper coming in the exam. By knowing the syllabus of any paper, you can prepare well for that exam. That's why we have given below with you the complete exam syllabus of Railway Clerk Recruitment, by following which you can prepare well for your paper.

general knowledge

General Knowledge is one such subject which comes in every government exam paper these days, so you should prepare well for general knowledge. Along with this, you should also know about current affairs. Questions related to this are asked a lot in this exam.


There is a very important topic in this exam, you cannot prepare for it simultaneously, you should start studying reasoning 3 or 4 months before your exam because you know that the questions of reasoning take a lot of time, then if you are looking for these questions If you prepare well in advance, then your paper will also be good and your time will also be saved in the exam.


Today, computer has become the most important thing in every department, which is essential to know and in railways, more and more work is based on computer, so if you are going to give railway clerk paper then you will definitely be asked questions related to computer. These questions will be general based on computer, if you also have fundamental knowledge of your computer, then you will be able to answer these questions well.


This is a topic that comes in every exam, be it any job or whatever exam it is. Maths questions take a lot of your time, so you should keep practicing maths questions daily.


In Railway Clerk, some questions come from science also, in which you are asked general questions. These questions are of 10th standard, if you have studied well in 10th, then you can easily answer these questions.

If you want to get more information apart from this, then you should buy Railway Clerk Recruitment Exam Book, you will get a lot of information from that book too. And you will be able to prepare well for your exam.

Railway Clerk Recruitment Exam Pattern

It becomes very important that the department or the level of the post for which you are going to give the exam, then it is very important for you to know the exam pattern. Therefore, we have also given below about the exam pattern related to this post, according to which you can prepare yourself –

• Railway Clerk's paper will be online, which you will have to give on a computer, in which you will be shown the paper on the computer screen and after reading it, you will have to submit it by choosing the correct option from the options given below.

• Before giving the paper, you should remember that negative marking has also been kept in this paper, meaning if you have any

If you answer the question wrong then your number will be deducted. That's why remember that you answer only that question.

Whose answer you know very well otherwise your numbers will be deducted.

• You are given a stipulated time here, you have to solve all the questions in the same time, as soon as the time is over, the system on which you give the paper stops working. Whatever the scheduled time is, it keeps on showing on your computer screen.

railway clerk salary

It is already known that railway is a very big department, in which different work is done according to the posts, if we talk about this post, then the salary received by the department for the candidate selected on the railway clerk is Rs 29,200 per month. . Apart from this, many facilities have been set by the department to the person who is selected for this post by the government.

Conclusion :-

Indian Railway Department is a very big department, in which recruitment is done every year for many posts for every state, in which every very young candidate is involved.

Or we can say that today the Railway Department has made the best job profile for the youth because here along with the salary, many other facilities are provided which are much better than other government jobs.

Now, as in many departments of railways, eligible people are selected every year on many posts, in which railway clerk is a very important post of railway. For which many people today work very hard. The rest about which we learned in detail in this article today. Which is very important for the young candidates who are preparing for this post in Railways.

I hope that the above-given information has been helpful to you, if you want to know about any other post of Railway Department or any information related to this article, then you can ask us by commenting.

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