How to become a Inspector and eligibility for it?

We all know that the police department is a very big department, in which according to the department, many people are workers in their posts, who have their own different work. Almost everyone dreams of getting a job in the police department today. Some people want to become a police constable, some want to become an inspector. This is the reason why in today's post we will tell you how to become a Inspector?

But a very important post in the police department is that of Inspector, it is also called Sub-Inspector in English. Whenever someone is recruited in the police, he definitely wants to become a police officer. Because the value of this post is high, people also respect a lot.

But many times it is seen that people want to do job in police department but they do not have enough information.

One of which is the post of Inspector, of course, if you are reading this post, then you will also be unaware of more information about it, but if you also want to know how to become a Inspector, then today's article is going to be very important for you.

Because today we will tell you how you can become a police officer. For this, what should be the qualification, what should be the age limit, and how much salary is available on this post, etc. are going to be known in detail.

How to become a Inspector?

You already know that to get any government job, you have to pass some exam or the other. And to get the job of police or army or any force, your physical fitness is also checked. Similarly, some qualifications are prescribed for this post of Police Department.

So if you have all the prescribed qualifications then you can definitely become a police sub-inspector or inspector. The minimum qualification to become a Inspector is graduation, if you are also a graduate, then you can fill the form for it, if your graduation is not complete, then you will have to complete your graduation, only after that you can fill the form of Inspector.

If you are successful in the exam then you will be called for physical test where you will have to test your physical ability according to the rules set, if you are successful in this also then you are called for medical test. If you pass the medical test too, then you get the post of Inspector. To know more about the rest, read this article of ours till the end-

What is a Inspector or Sub-Inspector?

A daroga is an officer of a police post who is of a higher rank than a head constable, a daroga is the lowest rank police officer who can file a charge sheet in the court according to police rules, is the first investigating officer.

To become a Inspector, you can apply your form in three types of departments, which are other types of police departments.

• Civil Police Sub-Inspector

• Uttar Pradesh Provincial Armed Constabulary

• Fire Service Officer

Qualification to become a Inspector

To become a Inspector, many types of standard criteria have been set by the government, which you will have to pass, if you are unable to pass any of these criteria, then you will be thrown out. The criteria set are given below, only after passing the criteria, any candidate can become a Inspector.

educational qualification

The minimum educational qualification for Sub-Inspector is a graduation degree from any recognized university. If you are applying form for Fire Service Officer, then you must keep in mind that you must have a bachelor's degree in science from a recognized university.

citizenship qualification

To become a sub-inspector in police, it is mandatory for you to be a citizen of India, if you are not a citizen of India and are applying for the form to become a sub-inspector in India, then it is given below.

1. If you are a Tiwati refugee who came to India permanently before January 1, 1962, then you can apply for this post.

2. If you are a refugee of Indian origin from Pakistan / Verma / Sri Lanka / Tanzania / Zambia / Uganda / Malvi / and Vietnam to settle in India can also apply for this post.

Age Range

• Applicant's age should not be less than 21 years and not more than 28 years for this application. But in this, age relaxation is given for the candidates of certain caste categories, if an applicant comes from the backward class or the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category, then he is given a relaxation of 5 years.

physical fitness

Some criteria have been set by the government for the physical qualification of this sub-inspector, as well as relaxation is also given for some classes, which is given below.

Physical Eligibility for General Category, Backward Classes and Scheduled Castes

Applicants of this category should have a minimum height of 168 cm. And chest should be 79 cms without inflating and 84 cms when inflated. It is mandatory for the male applicant to expand the chest of 5 cm, if any applicant does not know that his chest is not inflated, then he will be disqualified. And the minimum height fixed for female applicants should be 152 cms.

Physical Qualification for the applicants of Scheduled Tribes Categories

For this post, different age has been fixed according to the category, about which you can read below-

The minimum height of the applicant of this category should be 160 cm. And chest should be 77 cms without inflating and 82 cms when inflated. 5 cm chest expansion is mandatory for male applicants.

The minimum height of the applicant of this category should be 160 cm. And chest should be 77 cms without inflating and 82 cms when inflated. 5 cm chest expansion is mandatory for male applicants.


For running in this sub-inspector recruitment test, male applicants of all categories will have to complete a run of 4.8 km in 28 minutes and it is mandatory for all female applicants to complete a run of 2.4 km in 16 minutes.


This weighting process has been kept only for women applicants and in this process, it is mandatory for women applicants to have a minimum weight of 40 kg.

medical examination

After you have done all the levels for this post, then finally you will be medically examined. So if you are physically healthy here then only you will be selected for it. For where you will have to pass in the medical examination, you can read below-

1. Your eye should be 6/6.

2. You should be able to recognize in colors like you should not have a disease like color blindness.

3. Lasik surgery should not be done.

4. If the candidate is suffering from knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes etc. then you will not be passed in medical.

5. If the candidate has any problem in the ear, such as hearing loss or any other problem, there should be no problem.

6. Your weight should be according to your height and your age, even if it is not done, you will be declared medically unfit.

What to do to become a Inspector?

Getting a government job is like a dream because today many people work hard for the job and prepare for it. Due to which the competition is increasing a lot. Everyone else knows that the police is such a department where lakhs of youth are ready to do jobs, and as soon as the vacancy for any post comes out, thousands of forms are published. Therefore, if you want to become a Inspector, then you will have to work hard for this, you can read about what you will have to do for this post in the detail below-

• First of all you have to complete your schooling, that means after completing 12th you will have to take admission in your graduation studies from where you will get your graduation degree, remember that if you want to become a police officer in fire service So you have to do your graduation with science, for the rest you can choose any subject and complete your graduation.

• When your graduation is completed then you can apply your form in UP Police SI Exam. After applying the form, you will have to prepare for your exam diligently, if you want, you can take the help of any coaching. To pass in the exam, definitely read the papers of the last few years and keep the syllabus of the sub-inspector in mind and continue your studies, and give the exam.

• If you pass in the exam, then they are called for the Physical Standards Test where all your documents are checked, you should remember that here you should take all your original documents with you.

• After this you are called for the physical test where you have to run and your chest is measured and all the other tests are done, if you pass in all these then you are called for the next stage.

• If all the candidates who have passed in the written examination and in the physical examination in that stage, a merit is made according to the marks obtained by them and according to that merit they are called for the next stage and if they pass in the medical examination. So they are sent on training and after training they are posted.

inspector's salary

You should know that the salary of a Inspector depends on many things, including where his posting is, in which city, etc. Apart from this, a inspector is given a grade pay of Rs 42,00 every month which is different from his salary. Apart from the salary, there are many other facilities which are provided by the government to the person posted on Eid for free.


Be it any position in the police department, everyone's status is seen differently, so today people prefer to do jobs in the police department. And among the youth, a different color is seen for police recruitment. But it is seen many times that due to the many posts in the police department, it becomes difficult to get information about them.

Because different qualifications have been prescribed for all the posts, due to which many times people come under adhesion, and are not able to apply. Keeping this in mind, how did we become a very important post of police department today? Have to go through this in detail. So that those who are preparing for it can get easy jobs for this post.

I hope you have understood the information given in this article of ours today. If you want to ask anything related to this article, then you can ask us by commenting, we will help you by joining with you soon.

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