Sleeping Position To Increase Oxygen Level

#Sleeping Position To Increase Oxygen Level

Sleeping Position To Increase Oxygen Level

As the second wave of coronavirus has peeped in, in india with deadly consequences, Doctors are recommending a sleeping position to increase oxygen level. This is known as Proning. Proning exercises are helping to improve oxygen levels in covid patients both in home isolation as well as in hospital.

This technique is helping in saving lives when there is shortage of liquid oxygen supply in country.

What is Proning

What is Proning

Proning is a medically suggested position, in which patients are made to lie on their abdomen to boost their oxygen levels. Proning has immediate benefits and thus is also being promoted by union ministry of health and family welfare.

This exercise is also being advised to covid patients in hospitals, so that they may not depend on additional oxygen support.

What are Proning positions

While proning the patient is asked to lie on his/her belly using pillows. One can also lie on their right side or on their left side or sit at 60-90 degree angle in a fowler-position.



What are Proning positions


What are Proning positions


What are Proning positions

Doctors suggest that a patient remain prone for min of 30 minutes to the maximum of 2 hours.This helps improve ventilation to the lungs and hence the oxygen levels start boosting.

How does it improve oxygen levels

If oxygen saturation drops below 94, timely proning and good ventilation can save a life. Proning improves ventilation to the lungs and keeps the alveoli units open, thereby easing breathing, says the guidelines issued by union ministry of health.

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What is needed for proning

All we require for proning are 4-5 pillows. One pillow is to be placed below the neck, 1-2 pilows below the chest through upper thighs and two pillows below the shin. A patient should lie on their belly, right ans left side alternatively.

However, experts say that at least 30 minutes should be spent in each prone position for best results.

When should we avoid proning

Proning should not be practiced during pregnancy and patients with major cardiac conditions. Also patients with spine femur or pelvic fractures should avoid proning.

Dos and Don’ts in Proning

  1. Avoid proning for an hour after meals.
  2. One should stay in one position for as much time as it is tolerable for them.
  3. Pillows can be adjusted slightly to alter the pressure areas and comfort.
  4. The room in which patient is lying should be well-ventilated.
  5. One should not ignore any pressure sores or injuries.

Other ways to improve oxygen level while in home isolation

Deep breathing, yogic pranayamas, ample ventilation, eating rich-iron food and staying hydrated helps.

Also light exercises help in boosting the oxygen levels.

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My personal experience:

Few days back I noticed some of the covid symptoms occurring in me. At first I was very terrified because of what I have seen on news channels. There was no availability of beds in nearby hospitals and also there is no treatment for the same.

My family calmed me a lot and took care of me. I was quarantined in my room only. My family got me pulse oxymeter and thermometer along with some medicines of various symptoms that I had.

When I measured my pulse and oxygen, thankfully oxygen was ok but my heartbeat was very high(above 100). Then I calmed my self and introspected why am I getting terrified so much? I continued to remind me again and again that I am fine and ok.

Also I lost my taste and smell and got high temperature. For these I took general medicine consulted by a local pharmacist. I ate home made fresh food and lots of fruits only and kept my self hydrated with normal and Ors water. Apart from this I kept on moving myself around my room with very light exercises and taken steam. I got ample fresh air because my room was well ventilated.

Soon I got my taste back followed by my smell coming back, I was satisfied that now I am recovering. My temperature also came back to normal and other levels are also fine.

I want to tell you that there there is something around us that is affecting us, but along with treating that thing we should keep ourselves calm  and should not panic.

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Also I would recommend you not to rush to a hospital unless it is very much needed. Indirectly you give that bed to someone who need it more than you. Also there is no official cure or medicine invented for this virus so it will better be cured at home. Also don’t forget to get yourself vaccinated asap.


I hope that you have understood till now about the proning technique and how this Sleeping Position will help you increase the oxygen levels

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