How to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 2021

How to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 2021
How to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 

As the second wave of Covid19 virus has sweeped in india, the vaccination process has also begun. Today we will tell you about How to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 2021.

You must be aware about the CORONA virus that started last year and spread world wide. Many have lost their loved ones also due to this. Many countries were trying to make vaccine to fight covid-19. After lot of hardwork few countries have developed their vaccines.

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Available Vaccines

India has developed 2 vaccines these are:

  1. Covisheild
  2. Covaxin vaccine

Covishield is however challenged by some people and countries. But covaxin is fine. Initially choice was given to choose one from the two but now some shortage is being seen in covaxin quantity. So currently only covi-sheild doses are given.

However, companies are trying to increase the production of covaxin vaccine.

Other countries have also come up with their invented vaccines. These include Sputnik-v by Russia, Fizer by Dubai etc.

How to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 

To get protection from corona virus you should get vaccinated as soon as possible. For both covi-sheild and co-vaccine you have to get 2 doses. There is a gap between 2 doses of 4 to 6 weeks.

Now that you know that the third phase of vaccination drive is starting, i.e.people off 18+ age will get vaccinated. You should know how to register for vaccination online.

Where to Register for Vaccination?

There are two ways by which the eligible people can book their slots. These are:

  1. Through official Arogya Setu app
  2. Through CoWin platform (

How you can Register?

Follow the below steps carefully:

  1. To register yourself online, you have to give some basic details of your photo identification card.
  2. Register using your mobile number.
  3. 4 people can register through one mobile number but they will require their own identification document.
  4. Schedule your appointment at the centre of your choice.
  5. To register for your vaccine dose via Arogya setu app you have to first open the app and then open CoWin tab.
  6. Select the “vaccination registeration” option and then enter a phone number.
  7. Then you will get the registration OTP on your phone
  8. Click on verify and you will be directed to registration page.
  9. On your appointment day approach the vaccine center with your appointment slip and photo ID proof that you used at the time of registeration.

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What documents are required

Any of the following identification document can be procured at the time of Registeration:

  1. Aadhar card
  2. Driving License
  3. MGNREGA Job card
  4. PassPort
  5. PAN Card
  6. Passbooks isuued by banks/ Post office
  7. Pension document
  8. Voter id card

How will the beneficiary receive details of vaccination due date?

After online registeration, the person will get SMS on their Mobile number stating the due date, time and place of vaccination.

Final Words

I hope you must have got answer to query about how to Register For Covid Vaccine Online 2021. Just follow the above steps and register yourself safely for your Corona Vaccine dose.

Also be aware of the scams that are happening in this time of corona services. Stay aware and stay safe. If you have any distrust you can ask us in comment section.

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